
Category Uncategorized

Remembering Loren Goldner, October 18, 1947–April 12, 2024

In Memory of Loren Goldner

Remembering Loren Goldner

An Inheritance: The Anthropology of Liberation

Loren Goldner (1947–2024): Crossing Paths with a Revolutionary Internationalist

Remarks on Loren Goldner

Loren Goldner, a Friend, a Comrade, Has Left Us!

Remembrance of Loren Goldner

Memories of Loren

Opening Remarks


An Expression of Love

Capitalist Crisis and the War in Ukraine

Introduction to the Special Issue on Ukraine

The War in Ukraine Through Some Memories of the Yugoslav Wars

War as Spectacle

Response to John Garvey’s “Against the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, for the Successful Resistance of the Ukrainian People”

The War of Russian Capitalism’s Decomposition: Neoimperialism, Uninhibited Violence, and Global Civil War

Behind the Frontlines: An Interview with Andrew After the Ukrainian Counteroffensive

Contradictions in the German Discourse Around the War in Ukraine

Against the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, for the Successful Resistance of the Ukrainian People

Revolutionary Defeatism Today

Peace Is War

Two Short Texts on the Conflict in Ukraine

Contra the Leninist Position on Imperialism

Untimely Thoughts: Notes on Revolution and Ukraine

Another Russia Is Possible: On the Moral Responsibility of Western Leaders for the War in Ukraine

Recommended Readings on the Conflict in Ukraine

An Invitation to Contribute to a Discussion on the War in Ukraine

New Book of Noel Ignatiev’s Writings

In the Grinder of Geopolitics

Review: Michael Heinrich, Karl Marx and the Birth of Modern Society (2019)

Letter from a Comrade in France

The Lockdown Interviews

A Plague on Both Your Houses—The Position of the Working Class in the Current Crisis

Editors’ Note

Postscript to “What Next

An Invitation from the Editors: What Next?

Major protests in Thailand: Deja vu all over again

“Class Power on Zero-Hours”—A response to comrades from Insurgent Notes, USA

Introduction to Discussion of Class Power on Zero Hours

In This Issue

Fragments of the Current Moment

Who Was Karl Marx?

“The hated, cursed war and the hated, cursed, post war”: Soldiers Returning from the Western Front

A Letter on George Floyd

Readings from Under the Coronavirus Lockdown

Commentary: On Class Power on Zero Hours by Angry Workers Collective

A Syndicalist Organizing Project: Frustration and Failure

Class Power on Zero Hours: A Brief Comment

Class Power on Zero-Hours: Lessons for Fighting

Getting Serious

Insurgent Notes Promotes the Confusion of an Identitarian Marxist About Antisemitism

To the Living: Brief report on the Greek pandemic crisis and the social struggles against it

Ready to Lose Again: Joe Biden, the Democrats, and the November 2020 Election

Our Symposium on the Life and Work of Noel Ignatiev

An Exchange on History From the Bottom Up

Ignatiev in the Age of Trump

Israeli-Jewish Race Traitorship and the Question of Palestine

Irishness and White Dominion: Reflections on Ignatiev

Noel Ignatiev’s Conflicted Antifascism

Review: Vanishing New York: How a Great City Lost its Soul (2017)

Memories of Noel Ignatin

Good-Bye, Noel

These Forces Which Make Up and Rebuild the Struggles Around Retirement

On the Right of Civil Servants to Strike, “Minimum Service” and Requisition Procedures in France

Holocaust Education and Fascist Grooming

A World in Revolt

My Friend and Comrade, Noel Ignatiev (1940–2019)

Indictment Against Bourgeois Society

Yellow Vests: On the Edge

What Can Remain From the Yellow Vests?

The Myth of Twentieth Century Socialism and the Continuing Relevance of Karl Marx

The Gilets Jaunes, an Analyser of the Reproduction of Capitalist Social Relations

The Envy of the French Revolution of the Yellow Vests

How the Show Might Stop

A Yellow Costume that Creates Community

A Brief Note on the Anti-extradition Movement of Hong Kong

Hypocrite lecteur: Reading Cured Quail, Volume I

Brexit, Immigration Controls and the Border in Ireland

Notice: Raffaele Sciortino, I dieci anni che sconvolsero il mondo. Crisi globale a geopolitica dei neopopulismi (2019)

Review: Jonathan Metzl, Dying of Whiteness (2019)

Letter to the Editors

Whither America? Responses to My Critics

Our Response to “Whither America?”

Whither America? Responses to Floris D’Aalst

Some thoughts on “Whither America?”

Comments on Floris D’Aalst, “Whither America…”

Comments on “Whither America” by Floris D’Aalst

Response to “Whither America?”

Remarks on “Whither America”

Whither America? Class and Politics in the Era of American Decline

Introduction to “Whither America?” Discussion

Review: Zhun Xu, From Commune to Capitalism: How China’s Peasants Lost Collective Farming and Gained Urban Poverty (2018)

The Beginning

Order Prevails in Berlin

A Duty of Honor, or, Against Capital Punishment

In Spite of It All

Call for Revolution

May Day Manifesto

Editorial: The Murder of Rosa Luxemburg

A Call to the Workers of the World

The “Gilets Jaunes” Seen From My Workplace

Something New for Revolutionary Politics

Introduction to Insurgent Notes #18

What is Socialism?

“First Draft” Report on Costa Rica

Review: Richard A. Walker, Pictures of a Gone City: Tech and the Dark Side of Prosperity In the San Francisco Bay Area (2018)

The Financialization and Gentrification of Space in Seoul: A Cultural Political Economic Analysis

“Racial dissidents have lost the ability to organize openly”: Alt-rightists on Trump, ice, and what is to be done

Notes on Political Angst in 2018

More Reviews of Revolution, Defeat and Theoretical Development

Iranians in Revolt

On the Election of Lopez Obrador

Review: Loren Goldner, Revolution, Defeat and Theoretical Underdevelopment: Russia, Turkey, Spain, Bolivia (2017)

Ongoing Struggles in Vietnam

May 1968 in the United Kingdom

Marx is dead, long live Marx!

Marx in Frankfurt 1968

Marx in 1968: Report on a Journey

Marx in 1968 in France

Marx and Marxism in Berkeley in 1968

Getting to Marxism in Wisconsin and Iowa

Editorial Statement: Introducing Insurgent Notes on Marx in 1968

Baran & Sweezy versus Marx

Studying Marx

The Italian Long ’68

A Political Education and Militant Intervention Before, During and After May ’68

My Experiences in 1968 in Working-Class Turin

From Catholicism and the working class to communism and Marx

To the Teachers of West Virginia

Review: Kenneth D. Ackerman, Trotsky in New York, 1917: A Radical on the Eve of Revolution (2016)

Where Was Marx in 1968? An Invitation From the Editors of Insurgent Notes

A New Era

Editorial: All That Glitters

Review: Mitchell Abidor, May Made Me: An Oral History of the 1968 Uprising in France (2018)

The Power Struggle in Catalonia, or the Staging of a Tragicomedy

Foxconn: The Myth and Reality of the Welfare Queen

Gentrification and Class Struggles in Barcelona, Spain: Interview with Etcétera Collective

Current Developments in Iran

Report From Southeast Asia

On the Extreme Margins of the Centennial of the October Revolution: The Legacy of 1917 We Can Affirm

Class Struggles in Cambodia

The Foxconn Con

How the National Front Works

Whiteness Again

Dialectics and Difference: Against the “Decolonial Turn”

Radical Ruptures Emerging from Global Wageworkers

US-China Relations in the Age of Trump

On the Grenfell Towers Fire

From the Editors

February 5, 2017, Insurgent Notes Meeting Summary

February 5, 2017, Conference Audio Recordings

Review: Joshua Kurlantzick, A Great Place to Have a War: America in Laos and the Birth of a Military CIA (New York, 2016)

Review: Joshua Kurlantzick, A Great Place to Have a War: America in Laos and the Birth of a Military CIA (New York, 2016)

Review: Christophe Guilluy, Le crepuscule de la France d’en haut (2016)

Review: Christophe Guilluy, Le crepuscule de la France d’en haut (2016)

On the Current Situation in the United States

Sunday, February 5, 2017: Open Meeting Agenda

Letter From Mexico

Open Call—Public Meeting

Open Call—Public Meeting

Letter From Paris

Letter From Italy

Review: David Bandurski, Dragons in Diamond Village: Tales of Resistance in Urbanizing China (2016)

Review: David Bandurski, Dragons in Diamond Village: Tales of Resistance in Urbanizing China (2016)

Letter From Barcelona

Abolitionism: A Study Guide

Letter From Strasbourg

The Heavy Lifting of Class Struggle

We’re Tempted to Say We Told You So, But We Won’t

We’re Tempted to Say We Told You So, But We Won’t

Some Facts and Figures, and a Bit of Commentary to Go With It

Dispatch From West Virginia

Anyone But

In This Issue

Notes on a Future Politics—Part I

Notes on a Future Politics—Part I

Review: Ashwin Desai, Reading Revolution: Shakespeare on Robben Island

Review: Ashwin Desai, Reading Revolution: Shakespeare on Robben Island

Editorial: President Trump?

Strike Wave and Worker Victories in Cambodia

21st Century Trade Union Conspiracy Trial

Another Response to May ‘68 Revisited

Another Response to May ‘68 Revisited

Checking Out

Response to May ’68 Revisited

Response to May ’68 Revisited

May ’68 Revisited

Convict and Immigrant Detainee Struggles Converge in Strike Wave

On Lenin and the Right to National Self-Determination

In Service to Scarcity: The Pursuit of Value as the Production of Poverty

In This Issue

Editorial: US Party Elites Hemorrhage at the Edges

Review: Beth Macy, Factory Man: How One Furniture Maker Battled Offshoring, Stayed Local—and Helped Save an American Town (2014)

Review: Beth Macy, Factory Man: How One Furniture Maker Battled Offshoring, Stayed Local—and Helped Save an American Town (2014)

C.L.R. James’s “Critical Support” of Fidel Castro’s Cuba

C.L.R. James’s “Critical Support” of Fidel Castro’s Cuba

The Chinese Working Class in the Global Capitalist Crisis (Chinese)

Help Needed to Produce Rosa Luxemburg’s Complete Works

Help Needed to Produce Rosa Luxemburg’s Complete Works

Review: Kate Evans, Red Rosa: A Graphic Biography of Rosa Luxemburg (2015)

Review: Kate Evans, Red Rosa: A Graphic Biography of Rosa Luxemburg (2015)

The New Far-Right Government in Poland

Struggles in Logistics in Italy

Gangs, Truces, and Recent US Riots: “Bellum pauperum contra pauperes”?

Gangs, Truces, and Recent US Riots: “Bellum pauperum contra pauperes”?

The Chinese Working Class in the Global Capitalist Crisis

Syriza and Sanders: “Just Say ‘No’” to Neo-liberalism

Syriza and Sanders: “Just Say ‘No’” to Neo-liberalism

Review: Steve Fraser, The Age of Acquiescence: The Life and Death of American Resistance to Organized Wealth and Power (2015)

Review: Steve Fraser, The Age of Acquiescence: The Life and Death of American Resistance to Organized Wealth and Power (2015)

Note on Will Barnes

Ferguson and After: Where Is This Movement Going?

Atlanta: Notes on the Politics of Respectability

Some Reflections on the Recent New York City Struggles

Oakland After Ferguson

Philadelphia: The PPD’s Strategic Response to the Movement Against Police Violence

Philadelphia: The PPD’s Strategic Response to the Movement Against Police Violence

Report From Chicago

Observations from Pittsburgh

Los Angeles: Hands Up, Fight Back

From an IN Correspondent Overseas

Brooklyn Report

No More Missouri Compromises

Review: Nick Turse, Kill Anything That Moves. The Real American War in Vietnam (2013)

Review: Nick Turse, Kill Anything That Moves. The Real American War in Vietnam (2013)

Review: Chris Rhomberg, The Broken Table: The Detroit Newspaper Strike and the State of American Labor (2012)

Review: Chris Rhomberg, The Broken Table: The Detroit Newspaper Strike and the State of American Labor (2012)

IKEA Warehouse Workers’ Struggle Is Everybody’s Struggle: Support It!

In This Issue

The Agrarian Question in the Russian Revolution: From Material Community to Productivism, and Back

Review: Christian Høgsbjerg, C.L.R. James in Imperial Britain (2014)

Review: Christian Høgsbjerg, C.L.R. James in Imperial Britain (2014)

Review: David Williams, Bitterly Divided: the South’s Inner Civil War (2008)

Review: David Williams, Bitterly Divided: the South’s Inner Civil War (2008)

Review: Akinyele O. Umoja, We Will Shoot Back: Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement (2013)

Review: Akinyele O. Umoja, We Will Shoot Back: Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement (2013)

Letter From Thailand II

Notes on Alabama: Searching for the Ghost of “Big Jim” Folsom

What’s up with Bosnia?

What’s up with Bosnia?

Letter From Mexico: The Privatization of PEMEX

Review: J. Arch Getty, Practicing Stalinism: Bolsheviks, Boyars and the Persistence of Tradition (Yale, 2013)

Review: J. Arch Getty, Practicing Stalinism: Bolsheviks, Boyars and the Persistence of Tradition (Yale, 2013)

Letter From Southeast Asia

Review: Wild Socialism: All Power to the Councils!

Review: Wild Socialism: All Power to the Councils!

Letter From Thailand

Yugoslav Self-Management: Capitalism Under the Red Banner

Letter From Mexico

Review: Philip Mirowski, Never Let A Serious Crisis Go To Waste: How Neoliberalism Survived the Financial Meltdown (Verso, 2013)

Review: Philip Mirowski, Never Let A Serious Crisis Go To Waste: How Neoliberalism Survived the Financial Meltdown (Verso, 2013)

The Struggle at Peugeot in France

The Singularity and Socialism

Brazil: Balance Sheet and Prognosis

Madagascar: At the Bottom of the Capitalist Abyss

Review: Susan Buck-Morss, Thinking Past Terror: Islamism and Critical Theory on the Left (Verso, 2003)

Review: Susan Buck-Morss, Thinking Past Terror: Islamism and Critical Theory on the Left (Verso, 2003)

The Spanish Revolution, Past and Future: Grandeur and Poverty of Anarchism;How the Working Class Takes Over (or Doesn’t), Then and Now

The “Not so Bright” Protégés and the Comrades that “Never Quarreled”: C.L.R. James’s Disputes on Labor’s Self-Emancipation and the Political Economy of Colonial Freedom

The “Not so Bright” Protégés and the Comrades that “Never Quarreled”: C.L.R. James’s Disputes on Labor’s Self-Emancipation and the Political Economy of Colonial Freedom

In This Issue

Postmodernism, the Academic Left, and the Crisis of Capitalism

C.L.R. James’s Conflicted Intellectual Legacies on Mao Tse Tung’s China

C.L.R. James’s Conflicted Intellectual Legacies on Mao Tse Tung’s China

Trotsky Reconsidered: Claude Lefort’s Perspective

Trotsky Reconsidered: Claude Lefort’s Perspective

The New Worker Organizing

In This Issue

In This Issue

Sowing the Wind, Reaping the Tempest

Letter from Baltimore

Globalization of Capital, Globalization of Struggle

The 1% of the 99% and an Anti-Capitalist Alternative

Letter from Paris

More on Madison

Theses for Discussion

Report From Spain: On the May 15th Movement

The Murder of the Mon Valley

On Tunisia

Of Forest and Trees Part Two

In This Issue

Taksim Is Not Tahrir- Yet

Anti-Imperialism and the Iranian Revolution


Of Forests and Trees

How the French pension system works

Rethinking Educational Failure and Reimagining an Educational Future

Bleeding Wisconsin

From Cairo to Madison, The Old Mole Comes Up For An Early Spring

Anti-Capitalism or Anti-Imperialism?


A Report on Recent Struggles in Greece