Issue 21

March 2020

Symposium: Noel Ignatiev, 1940–2019


John Garvey

Good-Bye, Noel

Amiri Barksdale

My Friend and Comrade

Loren Goldner

Memories of Noel Ignatin

Ken Lawrence

Israeli-Jewish Race Traitorship and the Question of Palestine

Ronit Lentin

An Exchange on History From the Bottom Up

Staughton Lynd and Noel Ignatiev

Noel Ignatiev’s Conflicted Anti-Fascism

Matthew Lyons

Irishness and White Dominion, Reflections on Ignatiev

Robbie McVeigh

Ignatiev in the Age of Trump

Adam Sabra

Review: Jeremiah Moss, Vanishing New York: How a Great City Lost its Soul (2017)

Loren Goldner