Issue 7

October 2012


In This Issue

Reports From the Front Lines

Austerity and Resistance: Lessons from the 2012 Quebec Student Strike

Marianne Garneau

Marikana: A Point of Rupture?

Ben Fogel


Notes Towards a Critique of Maoism

Loren Goldner

Silences on the Suppression of Workers Self-Emancipation: Historical Problems with CLR James's Interpretation of V.I. Lenin

Matthew Quest

How the Brazilian Workers' Party Rules Brazil

Passa Palavra

Once More on Education: Beyond Ordinary Leftism

John Garvey

Chicago Teachers' Strike: Paradise Lost

John Garvey


Michael Staudenmaier’s Truth and Revolution: A History of the Sojourner Truth Organization, 1969–1986

Noel Ignatiev, Carole Travis, Ken Lawrence, John Strucker, Dave Ranney, Hayworth Sempione, Lowell May, Beth Henson, Matthew Lyons, Tyler Zimmerman, Mamos (Black Orchid Collective), Amaranto (Black Orchid Collective), The Fish (Advance the Struggle)

A Response

Michael Staudenmaier

Book Reviews

Eric Leif Davin's Crucible of Freedom: Workers' Democracy in the Industrial Heartland, 1914–1960

Gary Roth

John Marrot's The October Revolution in Prospect and Retrospect: Interventions in Russian and Soviet History

Loren Goldner

Michael D. Yates's Wisconsin Uprising: Labor Fights Back

Anjie Zheng


Letter From Madison


Letter From Mexico City